Schraderhaus K9

Your puppy
purchase will be a long-term investment for you.
We believe you should understand the importance
of being an informed dog owner.

German Shepherd Puppies are a
Serious Responsibility,
and the decision to bring one into the family pack
should be
well thought through.
Our German Shepherd Dogs produce outstanding offspring, and our
puppies are the passion... and pride... of
our Kennel.
We believe that, in addition to their excellent genetic traits for
workability, stable temperament and sound structural health,
the amount of time you invest into your pups'
early socialization and stimulation is of the
utmost importance,
and is key
to having a dog which is adept at putting their
genetic traits into their full potential... as adults.
The amount of time invested by you into your dog when it is young
is a direct reflection of what your dog becomes
as an adult.
Our puppies are born in our home.
Our females welcome our assistance and consider us to be the
" alpha dog" of their pack, allowing us to interact with mother and
during the birthing of the pups,
and to monitor the complete whelping process of each and every one of our litters.

This insures
that all puppies are safely born, and are healthy
and cared for from the start.
Great attention is also given to the mother
this important time;
for her own safety during the whelping process
as well as for her future reproductive health .
From Birth, Our
pups are raised in our home,
where they interact with our family daily. They inhabit our
kitchen and are housed in their large and comfortable whelping box,
until they are 3 1/2 weeks of age.
Here they are well socialized and become accustomed to
the everyday sounds of the hustle and bustle of a busy home life...
clanking of pans, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, TV noise, etc.
In addition they also have constant human interaction and stimulation
from us and, mother permitting...
from friends and family who come to visit and view the new babies,
from early on after their birth.
When they begin to become more active, the pups are moved into our
exterior kennel facility, where they will hear and see our other dogs
and become accustomed to the sights and sounds that our adult dogs
The pups are exposed to the new sound of an electric blower, used daily
to air-sweep away dirt and debris in the isle way, as well as the loud
protective barking of the adult dogs housed near immediate
reaction of our dogs when people enter the facility.
By the time the
pups are ready to graduate to their new homes,
they are well acclimated to loud noises.

When they reach the age to begin serious training, they exhibit
for noise tolerance, demonstrating focus and courage
under gunshot fire,
and are sure and stable when presented with normal distractions
that are encountered in their daily lives.
We love our puppies and spend
a great deal of time with them.
We observe every one of them closely, each and every day,
as they grow.
By the time they are ready to be placed into new homes,
we are well aware of each one's unique personality
and temperament.

Observing our pups thoroughly each day enables us to assist our clients
in correctly choosing a puppy
which is well suited to their needs.
This ensures a good match for our puppies
with our clients and their lifestyle.
However, at this
stage your puppy's life experiences are just beginning. It is
imperative that the first several weeks in his new environment be
dedicated to socilization of the pup with other dogs,
experiences off your
property, car rides, walking down safe paths in areas where he can
safely explore his new world, and in meeting new people, cats,
toddlers, and strangers etc. ALL OF THESE THINGS and more are
nesessary during the Imprinting
Period of your new puppy, which is from the time he arrives to you and
up through the age of 16-18 weeks.
All experiences during your pup's imprinting period should be
provided with the goal of experiencing a positive outcome for your
pup, as these are the building blocks of your pup's future
confidence and outlook towards new experiences, with which he will
view his world as an adult.