Elena von Schraderhaus
Elena is owned by
Elena is half sister to our Norbo von Schraderhaus
She will be dearly Missed by her owner Angela,
and by us here at Schraderhaus K9 as well.
Thank you Angela for giving her such a great life!
loving memory
We are very sad to note of Elena's
04.28.2004 - 06.06.2011

Poem written by Angela
for her Elena..
My sweet Elena
7 years ago , you came into my life and heart
7 years with good times and bad times, but not alone.
Because you where there, always.
You protected me, you made me smile when I was sad
I'm sorry I couldn't protect you any longer
I hope your not mad at me, and that you get a good life without pain.
You're at the rainbowbridge now, your best friend Roan is waiting for
When I look at the sky , I see a new star. That's you I'm sure
Rest in peace my love, someday we meet again.
Thank you for the beautiful years.
Bye Moppie
Yesterday we had our last training, my friend Berry has made some
beautiful pictures from us with obedience.
There are also pictures from bitework, but someone else made them .
So I have to wait.
I want to thank you for your trust in me , and your support . It means a
lot to me.
and High point in Trial w/99 points in Tracking
May 2011 Elena received her IPO III A for
Congratulations Angela and Elena
Congratulations Angela
and Elena on obtaining your
" BH
" for Schh1
... Elena earned
High point dog in the trial
obtaining 49 of 50 points!
Congratulations also on obtaining your
"BH" for IPO1
... Angela describes
Elena as being " Naughty " for this trial ,
passing with 45 of 50 points!
Great Job Angela
and Elena!
1/25/06 ...
Elena's hip rating:
Bone deviation : 0
Norberg value : 30
Final judgment :
and from Angela: "I am very happy about it"
IPO II A earned Oct 9th, 2010
Receiving High Point in Trial and 99 points!

Angela with Elena, Oct 2010 |
Elena and Angela 10/06
This is Elena with Kiyo...Angela's Pet Rabbit