Schraderhaus K9 Puppy Diet
At Schraderhaus K9, we feed a
modified raw
What this means is that, in addition to
the raw meats,
veggies and fruits that our dogs are
given, our diet and feeding program
is based around their main diet coming from a well balanced, naturally
preserved kibble.
Supplements, along with the addition of
raw foods to their daily kibble rations,
keeps them strong and healthy.
Supplement Suppliers
Schraderhaus Feeding Informational Sheet
List of approved Kibbles
If you
will be feeding a raw diet only,
please remember and be aware that a
balanced raw
diet does NOT consist
only of meat.
It should be a balanced diet of fruits,
greens, and some dairy products, much
like animals would eat in the wild.
Although in the wild their bulk of meals
consist of meat, they are also eating
animals such as rabbits and squirrels,
which provide a source of the grains,
greens and other proteins which
are eaten by the small animals
they are consuming for their meat
source. |
Feed the following diet 2 X
Daily for their meal (If
your schedule permits,
feeding your pup in 3 meals
daily, split into
smaller even
better for your puppy)
These quantities are to be
used as guidelines only,
and depending on the age,
weight, and energy level of
your pup or adult dog,
quantities fed should be
adjusted accordingly.
1 tsp. plain or vanilla
Remember this is a source of
calcium, so only a
limited use of Yogurt. Yogurt is excellent
for aiding digestion.
Yogurt contains Acidophilus
which contributes greatly to
the health and flora of
their digestive system,
helping to keep it in good
balance and in excellent
working condition.
You can also use a good
quality probiotic to keep
the digestive system in good
health, and we recomend a
product called Sustenix,
available at Walmart or
Walgreens in the digestion
section. | |
The raw meat blend used
here at Schraderhaus K9
consists of addition and
rotation of beef /chicken heart, beef/chicken
liver, and beef
meat trimmings, and/or raw
ground chicken or turkey.
For pups, using the ground
meats is
for ease of feeding and also
to aid in digestion process
for your puppy. |
Raw Vegetables, processed in
a food processor
Carrots, kale,
cabbage, spinach,
lettuce, carrots, green
beans, broccoli and other
dark green veggies are
excellent vegetables to use.
You can puree the veggies up
in large quantities, then separate into smaller
portions of about a week's
worth of veggies, putting
them into small freezer bags
to be available as you need
them. You can later thaw out, enough
for several days, adding them into each meal
as you need the items.
Mosty pups will eat this
readily and not turn up
their noses as they might if
adding whole veggies. | |
quality kibble is
of paramount importance
to your growing puppy.
Feeding a chemically
preserved, corn/
wheat/ soy
filled kibble or
nutritionally inadequate
is never a good deal
in the long or short
term of a puppy feeding
and we adamantly
stress the importance in
this area of your
feeding program.
Since the commercially
prepared kibble was
introduced to dogs, we
have noticed a jump in
the incidence of cancers
and allergies, in dogs
as a whole, across the
US. We believe
this to be the result of
chemical preservatives,
hormones (given to the
food source used to make
them grow quickly), and
grains being added to
commercially produced
dog food in order to
reduce the cost for the
Purchase a grain free,
naturally preserved
kibble for your dogs.
Read and compare labels
to make certain your
growing puppy is not
being pacified with
corn, soy, wheat, or
chemicals, to give the
kibbles a long shelf
life. That being
in the form of kibbles
which are higher in
protein is not
beneficial to large
breed dogs during the
early growing stages
when they are in their
most active growth
periods. In fact,
it can be detrimental,
causing excessive, fast
growth spurts, which can
result in porous bone
growth and future
problems with OCD and
HD. From 5 months
to the age the dogs are
fully formed and grown,
which for the GSD is
approx. 18 to 24 months
of age (depending on
your particular line of
GSD) we keep the growing
dogs kibble at a protein
content of approx. 24-26
% protein. Provide enough
dry kibble per meal to
satisfy their hunger and
to keep their body
condition correct for
their age. We add
our own raw meats,
veggies, eggs / dairy
and fruits to the diet,
rotating with the same
variety that we would
want in our own meals. This
will vary,
but we caution you
not to overfeed
your puppy,
allow them to become
fat; studies have shown
keeping the pup slightly
on the leaner side
is better for them than
to allow them to become
too heavy. (A good
indication of proper
body condition is to
just be able to feel the
last rib of their
ribcage when you run
your hand over their
sides.) |
We recommend a naturally
corn, wheat, soy free
kibble with good meat source
which is listed within the
top two ingredients.
** We recommend a **large
Breed Adult kibble from
3 months of
age into adulthood....
Due to the
large size and fast habit of
growth for the GSD, we
recommend your pup be on a
kibble with
protein content of 23-26%
MAX into
View our
List of approved Kibbles
have shown that
animals that are susceptible
to large breed bone and
joint diseases should be fed a diet
that is lower in protein and
fat and carbs/calories that
go along with the higher
protein kibbles, and that they be fed in
a limited and controlled
manner so as to allow steady
even growth during the first
18 months of life.
It is
crucial to watch their
intake for the first year or
Excessive protein, carbs,
calories and fat
can greatly increase
the chances for an adolescent, large
breed dog to a
predisposition of
HD and
if they are fed in such a
manner as to foster an
accellerated rate of growth
and development of the
skeletal structure. |
For more information on OCD
and HOD,
Add the following
supplements / foods 1 X
Daily to one of their meals
Add A small quantity of
warm water to the kibble ( in order
to moisten the meal to a
palatable consistency)
cod liver oil ( 1
gel cap)
400 IU
Vitamin E (1 gel cap)
500 mg Vitamin C to
start...(see below)
1 tsp. salmon
oil or fish oil (1 gel cap
1000 mg)
tsp. Solid Gold Sea Meal
(for Solid Gold Distributor
nearest you, contact
MSM, (natural
Glucosamine and Chondroitin;
each given 1 x daily
You may also add 1 raw egg
daily or weekly,
Probiotic 1 x daily or weekly,which
will help to keep their
stools formed and consistent
(Recommend Sustenix)
such as pears, berries,
apples, (in small
quantities ...large amounts
may cause loose stools).
Veggies such as carrots,
beans, squsash, tomatoes,
spinach and green leafy
veggies, but stay away from
corn, or soy
Vitamin C
(Ascorbic acid)
We use and recommend
Recovery SA
which has been shown to be
more efficiently used to
repair the body. |
Meaty Bones, Bones, Bones...
(See Description Below)
mg Vit. C daily, increasing the
dosage slowly
as pup gets older up to 1000
mg. daily
as his bowels can tolerate,
to the age of 6 months.
Slowly increase the dosage
to 1500-2000 mg. daily from
6 months of age into
If stools become too loose,
back off on the quantity and
again slowly increase until
they can tolerate the larger
Vitamin C has been credited
for being responsible for
developing strong ligatous
and connective tissue, which
in studies has been shown to
be a major contributor in
the prevention of hip
dysplasia. Strong
ligaments and muscle tissue
will help keep the hip bones
in their proper position as
the dog grows and matures,
preventing the concussion
and remodeling of the
femoral heads within the
acetabulum. Laxisity
of the ligaments and tendons
allows excessive free
movement within the joint
areas, causing the
remodeling of the femoral
this potent anti-oxidant
into old age for your dog.
For young pups, Crush the
daily quantity of tablets
equally into the daily
food ration.
can also purchase Vit. C in
powder form (you can find
this at Livestock feed owners use
this frequently to keep
their horses healthy, and
sound for competition).
See the
article below for more
information on Vitamin C and
canine HD...
and Vitamin C
Miracle Cure for CHD? | |
In addition to the meals
listed above, We recommend
that you feed your puppy, as
well as your adult dog,
of Raw
Meaty Bones on a regular
Raw Meaty Bones are extremely beneficial for your young pup as it grows and begins to produce it's bone structure as it grows and matures. There are many beneficial gifts that your puppy will derive from eating raw meaty bones. Supplying your pup with raw bones for him to eat is an excellent way to insure a healthy production of strong and solid bones for his later health in life,
and to help guard against
hip dysplasia and arthritis.
Raw bones are safe for your
not cooked
bones of any kind,
particularly those of chicken or turkey,
as cooking will cause bones
to splinter when they are
also removes much of the
benefits they will derive
from the raw bones, such as
vitamins and minerals, as
well as additional fat which
is for the most part cooked
off during the cooking
process. Fat has been shown
to be an excellent source of
oils containing vitamins A
and D for healthy and
problem free skin and
coat. The raw bone marrow has been credited for building strength into the pups own bones as well, and gives him a boost of easily and readily available protein in a form that is the best way for him to absorb it into his system and make it usable to the pup as he grows. Bone marrow is excellent for proper development of their own bones and joints, insuring their proper overall structural growth. Large knuckle bones, which are available from your butcher, also provide excellent benefit to your puppy as well as your adult dog. Raw Meaty Bones will provide them with great chewing exercise, as well as overall bodily exercise for most of the muscles in their body. This is achieved as they grasp the bone between their paws, tensing up their muscles all over in an effort to hold, chew on, and keep the bone in their grasp. This is much the same as a stretching or isometric exercise, as they will be focused entirely on this bone for many hours. This provides them with nothing short of sheer enjoyment and works to keep the pup's body in excellent, hard, lean and firm condition. It is also a very good way to keep those young pups occupied and out of least for a while! Raw Meaty
an inexpensive way for your
dog to keep his mouth full
of clean, sparkling white
teeth and will eliminate the
need for teeth cleaning
appointments with
your Veterinarian Along
with healthy gums and fresh
breath, clean teeth will
contribute to his overall
health and body condition.
Your dog will have a longer,
healthier life, free of gum
tooth decay and other eating
difficulties as they become
older dogs.

It is
important to note
why the bones must
be fed
Cooking the bones
causes them to
become brittle,
making them splinter
when they are chewed
and ingested. Raw Bones
on the other hand,
are readily eaten by
your puppy.
In addition, cooking the bones removes valuable enzymes, which are responsible for keeping the teeth healthy and white. Many additional nutrients are lost, including fat, which is beneficial for their coat and skin. Bone marrow, (the soft inner material in the center of the bone), is an important food source for your pup, and is essential in production of their own bone growth and development.
We Do NOT feed raw
fish or pork
in any form.
when feeding
puppy kibble.... |
We recommend that
your puppy be
started on and
maintained on a good
large breed puppy
adult food
beginning when they
arrive to you,
using one which has a
lower protein level. Maintaining
a lower
and consistent
protein intake helps
to insure that the
growth your puppy
puts into his bones
is done at a steady,
even and consistent rate and does
not contribute to
accellerated and sudden growth
spurts. This
will allow your pup
to develop strong,
solid and healthy
bones, and will help
your dog be less
prone to HD,
arthritis and many
bone disorders such
HOD or
which can create
problems for them
even at
an early age
as well as in their
later years... |
Puppies should receive 1/2
cup raw meat (or canned)
daily; Adults should
receive 1 Cup raw meat (or
canned) daily along with
their quality dry kibble and
You may feed one small meal
every couple of days of raw
turkey or chicken necks / in place of the raw
beef or canned food.
You may want to assist them
initially by slightly
chopping the bones up, which
will help them better manage
their new eating experience.
It won't take long and they
will know exactly what to do
with the bones for
You can also make up some great treats containing many of the above items. Be creative, mixing up what your dog likes best. You can prepare and mix the items like cookie dough, then roll them out and cut them up like you would small cookies, baking them and making up small freezer bags full of "doggie cookie treats". Keep these stored in your freezer until you are ready to use them. They will be readily available to you and your dog whenever you need them
for training...they make excellent training treats, and you can use them each time you take your puppy out to work with him.
This would be far more
beneficial for your dog than
using store bought treats.

Schraderhaus K9
Quality Working German Shepherd Dogs
Roy, WA. (United States)
+1.253.843.1123 PST