D'Aron von Schraderhaus
V Aron vom Poppitz
V Elfie vom Klödener Riss
Pure DDR Pedigree
Hips OFA Good /ED
BH, IPO in process
Frozen Semen on File
for Schraderhaus K9
D'Aron von Schraderhaus Pure DDR-East German Pedigree Hips OFA Good /ED Normal BH, IPO in process
D'Aron is the product of two Pure DDR German import dogs, each of whom were titled SCH3, rated V in working structure, and received KKL1 for Life. D'Aron has acheived his BH through Schutzhund USA and is trained in all 3 phases of IPO. He is a beautiful, substantial young male with a nicely balanced temperament and confident nature. He possesses excellent substance of structure with huge bone and large DDR head type.
He is a richly pigmented dark black sable male...
From his Sire Line: D'Aron's excellent producing sire is Pure East German DDR Stud Aron vom Poppitz. Aron is V Rated, Sch3, KKL1 for Life. Imported from
Germany and owned by Julie Marlow, Aron's pedigree is excellent working lineage of Pure DDR/ East German
bloodlines. He is a large boned, substantial male with
an excellent large blocky head, and possesses a deep, richly pigmented dark black sable coat which he has consistently passed along to his offspring. He is agreeable, willing and ready to work, demonstrating an excellent nose for SAR and tracking venues which he also passes along into his offspring. Aron is Pronounced in Protection..
From his Dam's Line: D'Aron's dam, V Elfie vom Klödener Riss was Imported by our kennel from Germany. Elfie is a 100% DDR female, V Rated, Sch3 and KKL1 with excellent substance and V Rated correct working structure, along with a massive DDR head and dark pigment that is known to the DDR Dogs. Elfie is a large female 65cm tall, and like his mother Elfie, D'Aron is a well proportioned male with extreme substance of bone and size, with an intense expression and confident nature. His overall expression, character, body and head type is stunning, a head turner in the truest sense of the word..and is typical of what we strive for in our DDR dogs. His coat color is a rich dark black sable with excellent pigmentation. He has an outgoing and free temperament. and shows very good drive and intensity while working on the sleeve demonstrating a firm, deep grip. He has very good natural suspicion and protection instinct making this future sire an excellent choice for pups which will be suitable for Schutzhund, Excellent for tracking/trailing/SAR dog prospects, PSA and Police Work, personal protection as well as home/ family protection dogs..
D'Aron is owned by Louise Raymond in FL, and he is HOT (Handled/owned /Trained) by Louise under the training guidance of her trainer there in Florida. D'Aron has earned his BH and is moving ahead with plans of getting IPO1 in early 2016. His temperament is exhuberant and strong and in bite developement he has strong natural deep grip particfularly for a very young male. He exhibits a well balanced high degree of confidence, showing pronounced hunt / ball drive, making him a sire for producing working prospects for a variety of venues. Our future breeding plans will be in utilizing him in producing pups in these working venues as we utilize this excellent quality young male and look forward to the future offspring he will contribute to our breeding program for Schraderhaus K9..
Click to view his brother, Drako, who is also in our breedng program for Schraderhaus K9
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D'Aron @ 7 wks

3.5 mos
D'Aron Bitework
2 yrs 3 mos
1 year old
7.5 mos

4 mos
Schraderhaus K9
Quality Working German Shepherd Dogs Roy, WA.
(United States)
+1.253.843.1123 PST